Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category


But Can She Open a Beer With It?

A Russian woman has set a new world record, lifting a 14-kg. glass ball with her vagina muscles. “After I had a child, my intimate muscles got unbelievably weak. I read books on Dao and learned that ancient women used to deal with this problem using wooden balls,” she said. “I looked around, saw a Murano glass ball and inserted it in my vagina. It took me ages to get it out!”

I once witnessed an “exotic” dancer opening long neck beer bottles with her butt. Not saying I’d drink that bottle if it was opened with either set of muscles, though…


Credit Card Declined?

If you’re trying to use your credit card online today and things just aren’t working out for you… It’s likely that the merchant you are shopping with uses as their card processing gateway. fell over, leaving a lot of merchants in the lurch.


Prepared or Not?

From Dvorak Uncensored

“Monika felt so superior. Her first holiday to Africa on photo safari. She was the only one to pack toilet paper. How prepared! So when nature called, she copped a squat in semi-hygenic comfort. Of course, Monika felt no need to follow the safari rule of ‘never go anywhere alone’ because she was so much better prepared than everyone else…”


Woe Be Unto Starbucks

From Morningnewsbeat :

Starbucks announced yesterday that as part of its retrenchment, it will eliminate 600 jobs. About 220 of the positions are corporate-level employees in Seattle, and the others are open positions that will not be filled. No in-store positions are slated to be eliminated, according to reports. Starbucks has been having a hard time of late, with consumer spending down and commodity costs up – which combined to cut into its sales and profits. Meanwhile, amid concerns that it may have over-saturated the US market, the company is slowing its domestic expansion plans while putting a greater focus on the in-store experience and the quality of its coffee.

There’s all kinds of snippets from industry pundits about how Starbucks needs to ‘embrace a radical localism’, look less cookie cutter, support more fair trade and charity, or create social networking initiatives. Phooey. Starbucks has over-saturated the marketplace with over-priced, marginal tasting coffee. People are worried about putting gas in the car… Trying to sell an image that it’s okay to suck down a quadruple shot soy latte for $9 every day so that some condescending counter dweeb with a bad piercing and a hangover looks at you disdainfully for neglecting the tip jar is just not going to make it too much longer. There’s much cheaper alternatives that are just as convenient and actually taste good.


Bacon Salt

Because “everything should taste like bacon”. Available in three flavors. And it’s kosher, too! Why not?


Wading Pools Suck

Really, really hard… Abigail Taylor was severely injured Friday when she sat over an open drain hole in a wading pool at the Minneapolis Golf Club. According to a posting by her family on the Caring Bridge Web site, the drain’s powerful suction tore out part of her intestinal tract.


Fabulous Food & Link Love

We finally got around to celebrating the anniversary dinner the other night. All agreed that the white asparagus wrapped in Serrano ham and drizzled with olive oil was the hit. Guess what I’ll be buying at the grocery store really soon? This post is for all those kind souls that are participating in EV’s Link Love.


The Very Breast Care

Many forms of cancer are very successfully treated if caught early. I can tell you from personal experience that just finding something suspicious that involves my favorite pair of boobies is a harrowing experience. Thankfully, we have received a clean bill of health. But I now have a new found awareness of the situation. Please support the Komen Foundation and make sure that you take care of “the girls”.


Put This In Your Ice Cream

Homesick Texan has the perfect recipe for homemade ice cream.  Yum!


Justice Served

After 43 years, suspected Klansman James Ford Seale was convicted on federal charges of kidnapping and conspiracy in the 1964 deaths of Charles Moore and Henry Hezekiah Dee. Seale faces life in prison when he is sentenced Aug. 24. Mississippi still has a long way to go if it takes 4 decades for a bitter white guy to get his butt thrown in the can for such a senseless act.

What I want to know is why is it that all big time murderers and criminals always have their full three names printed in public? Lee Harvey Oswald, James Ford Seale, etc.?